Sunday, April 27, 2008

McCormick's Creek Men's Outing

In the Shelter

Greetings in the name of Jesus!

What a great turn out for the Men's outing to McCormick's Creek State Park Saturday. I didn't get an exact count, but there were about 22-25. It was a great time of fellowship. We Grilled out hamburgers and hotdogs, and just to name a few; Richard brought Lula's persimmon pudding, Fernando brought homemade potato salad and Pastor brought lemonade. Thanks to all who brought food, deserts and everything required for a cook out.

We did some hiking down through the canyon along the creek and up through the woods. Don Super brought his horseshoes and some of the younger guys went over to play tennis and basketball.

On the Trail

Eight out of 20-some went horseback riding and wow did I enjoy that 3 mile trip through the woods on the trail. I believe that was the first time for me riding a horse (Dan). Dan was well trained and didn't take much of a tug on the reigns to pull him back in line, it was a wonderful experience.

Unfortunately when I turned on my camera, the batteries were dead and I forgot about my phone until later. I was near end of the line of horses, so the picture is from the back.

Wonderful weather for a horse ride through the woods!

Bro. Ed Underwood

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